instagram influencers

Collaborating with Instagram Influencers: 10 Dos and Don’ts

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If you want to take your brand to the next level, collaborating with Instagram influencers can be the secret ingredient you’ve been searching for. Influencer marketing has exploded in recent years and for a good reason! 

These social media stars can give your brand a powerful boost, reaching thousands or even millions of followers who trust and respect their opinions. But as with any marketing strategy, there are right and wrong ways to go about it.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the dos and don’ts of collaborating with influencers on Instagram. We’ll cover everything from finding the perfect match to avoiding potential pitfalls. So, let’s dive in!

instagram influencers

Who is an influencer?

An influencer is an individual who has established credibility, authority, and a significant following within a specific niche or industry, and has the power to affect the opinions, behaviors, and purchasing decisions of their audience.

Influencers create and share content, often through social media platforms, that resonates with their followers, leading to engagement, discussions, and actions based on their recommendations, opinions, or experiences.

Instagram influencers produce and distribute content using the platform as their primary account. Some of the top Instagram influencers include: Kayla Itsines, Cristiano Ronaldo, Hudah , Kylie Jenner, and many others.

Do’s and Don’ts of Working with Instagram Influencers 

1. Do Your Research beforehand.

Before you start reaching out to influencers, take the time to do your homework. Not all influencers will be a good fit for your brand, and it’s essential to find Instagram influencers who align with your values, target audience, and niche. 

Start by identifying influencers who share content related to your industry or product type. Look at their engagement rates, audience demographics, and the tone of their content to gauge their compatibility with your brand. Once you have identified potential influencers, reach out to them and propose a collaboration or partnership opportunity.

instagram influencers

2. Don’t Focus Solely on Follower counts.

While it may be tempting to collaborate with influencers who have a massive follower count, it’s not always the most effective approach. Remember, quality over quantity! An influencer’s followers should be genuinely interested in the content they create and engaged with their posts. 

Micro-influencers with a smaller following can often yield more significant results because they have a highly engaged and loyal community. These micro-influencers may have a more niche audience that aligns closely with your brand, resulting in higher conversion rates and better brand recognition. 

Additionally, working with micro-influencers can be more cost-effective, allowing you to stretch your marketing budget further. 

3. Do establish clear objectives

Set specific goals for your influencer campaign. Whether it’s increasing brand awareness, driving sales, or reaching a new audience, clear objectives will help both you and the influencer stay focused on what matters.

Having clear objectives will also enable you to measure the success of your influencer campaign and make any necessary adjustments along the way. 

By defining your goals upfront, you can ensure that your partnership with the influencer is aligned, and mutually beneficial, which helps the influencer tailor their content and strategy accordingly. 

instagram influencers

3. Don’t neglect authenticity.

Authenticity is the cornerstone of influencer marketing success. Audiences on Instagram can quickly spot insincere endorsements, and this can harm your brand’s reputation. There will be influencers who are in it just for the money, and not because they believe in your product/service and how it can help the people in the audience. 

You want to take the time to find an influencer who’s willing to be an advocate for your brand even after the campaign period has ended. Encourage the influencer to incorporate your product or service naturally into their content while maintaining their real sense of style. 

When the influencer is true to themselves, it will help your brand gain the trust of the influencer’s audience, which will lead to increased brand loyalty and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

4. Do Set clear expectations and agreements

Effective collaboration requires transparency and clear expectations. Before finalizing any partnership, outline the campaign details, deliverables, timeline, and compensation clearly. 

Having a written agreement in place protects both parties, ensures a smooth working relationship, and helps avoid any misunderstandings or confusion down the line.

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5. Don’t Micromanage the Creative Process

While it’s essential to communicate your campaign’s goals and brand guidelines, avoid micromanaging the influencers’ creative process. Influencers know their audience best and understand the type of content that resonates with them. 

Give them creative freedom to showcase your product in a way that feels natural to their style. By allowing influencers to exercise their creativity, you are more likely to receive authentic and engaging content.

Micromanaging can stifle their creativity and result in content that feels forced or inauthentic, potentially turning off their audience. Trusting the influencers’ expertise can lead to more successful collaborations and a stronger connection between your brand and their followers. 

6. Do Keep FTC Guidelines in Mind

Transparency is vital in influencer marketing. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC)  requires influencers to disclose their partnerships with brands, and it’s your responsibility to ensure they comply. 

Familiarize yourself with the FTC guidelines and request influencers to use proper disclosure language, such as #ad or #sponsored, in their posts. If your influencer is based in the US or Europe, they will be required to follow these guidelines, no matter where your business is located. 

As a business owner or brand looking to try influencer marketing, it’s important that you thoroughly research the laws and regulations that govern influencers in your country. By doing so, you can stay informed and prepared, ensuring that you don’t find yourself caught off guard by potential legal issues or compliance concerns.

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7. Don’t Take Influencers for granted

Influencers play a crucial role in promoting your brand, so it’s important to acknowledge their efforts and show appreciation. 

Show gratitude by sending personalized thank-you messages or small tokens of appreciation. This will help foster a strong and long-lasting partnership with influencers, ensuring their continued support and dedication to promoting your brand. 

8. Do Engage with Influencers’ content

Beyond the initial collaboration, developing a solid relationship with influencers is essential. Engage with their content frequently, like and comment on their posts, and share it when it’s appropriate. 

This ongoing support strengthens your bond and encourages influencers to promote your brand with more enthusiasm.

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9. Don’t Panic When Things Don’t Go As Planned

 Don’t panic if things don’t go exactly as planned. Challenges and surprises are part of influencer marketing, just as any other form of marketing. However, they can be opportunities for growth and learning. 

By embracing these challenges and surprises, you can adapt your strategies and pivot when necessary, ultimately improving your overall influencer marketing efforts. Remember, flexibility and the ability to learn from setbacks are key to achieving long-term success for your business.

10. Do Analyze Results

After the campaign, it’s crucial to analyze the performance of your collaboration. Track metrics such as engagement, reach, website traffic, and conversions to gauge the campaign’s effectiveness. 

This data will help you refine your future influencer marketing strategies and maximize your return on investment. By paying attention to analytics and results, you can identify which influencers and content formats resonate best with your target audience. 

This knowledge will allow you to make informed decisions when selecting future influencers and optimizing your campaign strategies for even greater success. 


You’ve now got the inside scoop on how to collaborate with influencers on Instagram like a pro. By following these dos and avoiding the don’ts, you’ll pave the way for successful influencer marketing campaigns that elevate your brand’s presence and captivate your target audience.

Remember, research is key – find influencers that genuinely resonate with your brand, prioritize authenticity, set clear expectations, and engage with influencers long after the campaign ends. 

Stay true to your brand identity, and influencer marketing will become a powerful tool in your social media arsenal.