Instagram latest features- reels bonuses

8 Instagram Latest Features – Reels Bonuses, Collab, & Affiliate Tool

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Instagram keeps getting better and better and we love to see it. Last week, Instagram announced several new features coming to all its users very soon.

The photo and video sharing app is always working to improve experiences for its 1.2 billion global monthly users. Keeping up with Instagram can be quite challenging since there are new updates and features almost every two weeks.

When the social networking platform announces new features, they’re first tested in a few selected countries. So, if you don’t see them yet on your app, no need to worry, these features will soon be available to in all parts of the world  in a few days or weeks.

Here are some Instagram latest features to look forward to, if you don’t already have them.

Instagram story link sticker feature
Instagram Story Link Feature
  1. Instagram Story Links for all accounts

Before, only verified Instagram users and accounts with 10,000 or more followers could add links to their stories. Similar to this swipe up feature, Instagram is testing a way to add links to your stories by using the link sticker.

Much as the feature is similar to the swipe up, to go to the desired link one will have to tap on the link included on a user’s story.

Instagram reels bonuses feature
Instagram Reels Bonuses

 2. Reels Bonuses

What’s better than getting paid to create videos? Well, Instagram is planning to roll out Reels Bonuses for the short video content creators. Users will be able to receive payments for their reels, track progress and access new earning opportunities.

Instagram Reels bonuses
60 day Insights

3. Insights Expand

Before, you could only access Instagram insights for the last, 7 days,  14 days and 30 days.

That is has changed. You can now see your account’s performance over the last 60 days.

“We’re doubling the timeframe to 60 days for now (it’ll be 90 later this summer). We’ll keep making updates based on feedback and share more when we can.”

Vishal Shah – Instagram Vice President, Product

This is a brilliant feature to assess long term growth. If you can see how you’ve been performing for the last two months, you can strategize to even do better.

Joy-akatukunda - Instagram Collab feature
Instagram Collab Feature

4. Post Collab

This is my favorite of the Instagram latest features. Instagram is testing a tool that lets creators co-author feed posts, and reels. This new feature is called Collab.

As the name states, the Collab feature allows creators to collaborate on a post or reels video. Once the person you want to Collab with accepts your invite, the post or reel appears with both your account names and reaches followers of both accounts. Here’s how to access the Collab feature on Instagram.

Instagram affiliate tool
Instagram Affiliate Tool

5. Affiliate tool for creators

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways for creators to earn money. Instagram creators have been sharing affiliate links from external sources and programs such as Amazon Associates and Share A Sale.

With Instagram’s affiliate tool, creators will have an easy way to discover new partners, share their Instagram posts and get a percentage of the sale.

This program will allow creators earn commissions directly from the app for purchases they drive.

Instagram story translation
Instagram story translation

6. Story text translation

With hundreds of languages, it can be hard to follow along with creators whose work is written in a language you don’t understand. This new feature lets you translate the text into a language you can understand so you can keep enjoying your favorite creators’ content.

Joy-akatukunda - Instagram story drafts
Instagram Story Drafts

7. Story drafts

Very soon, all users will be able to create stories and save them stories in drafts for when they are ready to have them go live.  

Mute audio and live on Instagram Live
Mute audio and video on Instagram Live

8. Turn off audio and video on Instagram Live

Much as this feature came out in April 2021, many people still don’t know about it.

Some people are uncomfortable showing their faces yet they would want to be part of Instagram livestreams. The new update allows you to turn off your video during an Instagram live so that only your Profile photo will appear in your square.

Not only that, you now have the option to mute your audio so you can let the other speakers talk without interruption of any noises that might come from your end.


Instagram is not done yet. As more competition comes in from Tiktok and Clubhouse, Instagram will keep advancing and trying to stay on top of it’s game to retain market share.

Now that you know Instagram latest features, which ones can’t you wait to use? Let me know in the comments below.