TikTok content ideas for businesses

20 TikTok Content Ideas for Businesses to Ensure Growth

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It’s time to stop beating yourself up trying to find TikTok content ideas for your business to ensure online engagement. If you own a business and want to tap into the growing platform’s audience, I’ve personally curated a list of 20 TikTok content ideas for businesses to save you both time and money.

TikTok has become one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with over 1 billion active users, most of whom are Gen Z according to this study by Social Pilot. This presents a unique opportunity for businesses to reach a large and engaged audience through creative and engaging content. The video-sharing platform has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses to showcase their brand, reach a wider audience, and drive growth.

Here are 20 TikTok Content Ideas for Businesses to Ensure Growth:

Day in the life:

Showcasing a day in the life of your business is a great way to give your audience a behind-the-scenes look at how your company operates. This can include everything from how your products are made to the daily routine of your employees.

Day in a life content on TikTok

Product demos:

TikTok is a great platform for showcasing your products in action. Create short videos that demonstrate the features and benefits of your products in a fun and engaging way. Your customers can get front seats to your products being used by real people and this can boost engagement and product relatability.

Product reviews  on Tiktok

User-generated content:

Encourage your followers to create content featuring your products or services. This not only helps to build brand awareness but also creates a sense of community around your brand.

User generated content on TikTok

Trendy challenges:

A TikTok challenge is an organic trend that isn’t controlled by a brand or business and, due to its viral nature, sees contributions from around the world. Participating in popular TikTok challenges is a great way to stay relevant and engage with your audience. Make sure to put your own unique spin on the challenge to make it stand out.

Trendy challenges on TikTok

Educational content:

Create informative and educational content that provides value to your audience. This can include tutorials, how-to videos, and other content that helps your followers learn something new. TikTok actually priotizes this type of content.

Educational content on TikTok

Employee spotlights:

Highlighting your employees is a great way to humanize your brand and showcase the people behind the products. This can include interviews, day-in-the-life videos, and other content that showcases the unique personalities of your team.

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Influencer partnerships:

Partnering with influencers on TikTok can help you reach a larger audience and build credibility with your target market. Make sure to choose influencers that align with your brand values and have a strong following in your niche.

Influencer partnerships on TikTok


Creating behind-the-scenes content is a great way to give your followers an exclusive look at your business. This can include everything from product development to company culture.

Behind the scenes content on TikTok

Customer reviews:

Featuring user reviews on your TikTok account is a great way to build trust with your audience and showcase the quality of your products or services. Make sure to highlight the most positive reviews.

Customer reviews on TikTok

Trending topics:

Stay on top of the latest trends and topics in your industry and create content that aligns with them. This can help you stay relevant and attract new followers who are interested in your niche.


Everyone loves a good laugh. Creating humorous content can help you stand out on TikTok and attract a wider audience. Make sure to keep it tasteful and appropriate for your brand.

Q&A sessions:

Hosting Q&A sessions with your followers can help you build a stronger connection with your audience and address any questions or concerns they may have about your brand. You can do this by doing live sessions with your audience.

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Before and after transformations:

If your product or service involves transformations, create before and after videos that showcase the results. This can be a powerful way to demonstrate the value of your offerings.

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DIY tutorials:

Creating DIY tutorials that feature your products can help you attract new customers who are interested in your niche. Make sure to create content that is easy to follow and provides value to your audience.


Collaborating with other businesses or creators on TikTok can help you reach a wider audience and build relationships within your industry.


Creating your own challenges can help you engage with your audience and encourage user-generated content. Make sure to create challenges that align with your brand values and are relevant to your niche.

Challenges on TikTok

Live streaming:

Hosting live streams on TikTok can help you connect with your audience in real-time and build a stronger relationship with your followers.

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Inspirational content:

Creating inspirational content that motivates and inspires your audience can help you build a loyal following and attract new customers who are interested in your niche.


A TikTok contest is basically a challenge that is (largely) controlled by a brand or business and will feature a prize, a timeframe, may require a landing page, and rules that outline how participants can enter. Hosting contests on TikTok can help you engage with your audience and build excitement around your brand. Make sure to create contests that are relevant to your niche and provide value to your followers.

Repurposed content:

Repurposing content from other platforms, such as Instagram or YouTube, can help you save time and reach a wider audience on TikTok.


TikTok is a powerful platform for businesses that want to reach a large and engaged audience. By using these TikTok content ideas for businesses, you can ensure growth and success on the platform and build a strong following that is loyal to your brand. Remember to stay true to your brand values and provide value to your audience with every piece of content you create.